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ICT4S Summer School - How can digitalization support a sustainable future? July 31-Aug 4

At the Lorentz Centre, in Leiden, Netherlands

Publicerad 2017-03-07

Here you will find updated details about the program and how to apply. We urge you to apply asap as the number of available seats is limited - by May 15:th, at the latest. Details about registration and program are provided below.

ICT4S Summer School 2017 - How can digitalization support a sustainable future?
The ICT4S summer school will bring together researchers from all areas related to the transformational role of ICT for sustainable futures.
The preliminary program is online:
For whom:
For researchers of any area related to Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainability. If someone who is not a PhD-student, e.g. researchers from our industrial or public partners, wants to join the summer school (at a cost), please contact cesc-info@kth.se .
From Monday 31 Jul through Friday 4 Aug 2017 (full time)
The school is hosted by the Lorentz center on the campus of the University of Leiden, in The Netherlands, a short 30 minutes west of Amsterdam.
3rd Floor Oort Building, Niels Bohrweg 2, Leiden, Netherlands www.lorentzcenter.nl/
School format:
The format combines lectures on cutting-edge ICT4S topics with hands-on sessions discussing future collaborations and synergies, and potential paper writing.
Steve Easterbrook (U Toronto)
Lorenz Hilty (Empa & U Zurich)
Mattias Höjer (KTH Stockholm)
Patricia Lago (VU Amsterdam)
Birgit Penzenstadler (CSU Long Beach)
At the Hotel Van der Valk, a few minutes walk from the Lorentz Center.
Haagse Schouwweg 14, 2332 KG Leiden, Netherlands www.hotelleiden.nl/en/
For PhD students, costs are absorbed by donations from various companies and organizations, such as SIKS.
For questions about sponsoring, please contact Prof. Patricia Lago p.lago@vu.nl
Interested attendees can apply online at: www.lorentzcenter.nl/lc/web/2017/934/registration.php3?wsid=934&venue=Oort
SIKS PhD-students working on the ICT4S topics are strongly encouraged to apply. However the number of seats is limited.
Applications will be evaluated by the organizers based on need and fit in the school topics. All SIKS PhD-students will be informed about the decision as soon as possible.
Application Deadline
15 May, 2017
The Lorentz Center
The Lorentz Center is a Dutch national center for international workshops in all scientific disciplines. Its guiding philosophy is that innovative research thrives on interaction between creative researchers. Lorentz Center workshops focus on new collaborations and on interactions in highly diverse groups of researchers – international and with different scientific viewpoints as well as seniority, gender, and culture.
The Lorentz Center receives structural financial support by Leiden University, and by the Dutch research councils Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO, Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter FOM, and Technology Foundation STW.

In cooperation with SIKS ( www.siks.nl ).