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The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency trained by CESC/KTH

Publicerad 2016-11-28

On Nov 17:th, KTH/CESC/Open Lab arranged a full day of education for the department for research and analysis at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

Foto: Håkan Lindgren

The about 80 people from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency were first introduced to KTH's Sustainability Research by Göran Finnveden, Professor of Environmental Strategic Analysis and Vice-president for sustainable development. Then, CESC's director, Mattias Höjer held a presentation about CESC and how digitalisation can be used to support a sustainable development. After that the group could choose 3 out of 7 CESC researcher presentations in so called "ConverStations" - something that was apparently much appreciated. 

- The day gave us many new thoughts, insights and methods and also contacts that most likely will be useful in the future. The agenda was spot on and the forms for work were both stimulating and challenging, said Mark Marissink, one of the responsible directors at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

Read more about the day and the Converstations format in this Campi-article  (in Swedish).