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ICT for sustainable cities (ICIT)

In ICIT researchers with backgrounds in planning, governance, environmental sociology and HCI collaborate with practitioners from public planning authorities and private companies to explore how ICT can be used to make cities more sustainable.

The overarching aim of ICIT it to develop new and interdisciplinary knowledge on how ICT can support sustainable development in cities. More specifically, the project aims to:

  • Develop new knowledge regarding what ICT solutions are relevant for making cities more environmentally sustainable, including both the urban infrastructures and citizens’ everyday life.
  • Develop new knowledge regarding how these solutions can be successfully introduced and operated, at both an individual and a societal level.

In its operation, the project is divided into two main parts called “Practices” and “Planning”, each focusing on a specific level of the city:

  • Practices takes its analytical point of departure in the micro-level of citizens’ everyday life.
  • Planning focuses on the meso-level of municipal and regional urban planning and policy-making.

Project leader

Josefin Wangel , PhD Planning & Decision Analysis
Contact:  josefin.wangel@abe.kth.se              

Participating partners                     

Ericsson, City of Stockholm, TMR (Stockholm County Council), TeliaSonera, Interactive Institute

KTH research team

Anna Kramers , PhD Planning & Decision Analysis

Elina Eriksson , PhD Media Technology and Interaction Design

Greger Henriksson , PhD Ethnography 

Mattias Höjer , Professor Environmental Strategic Analysis and Futures Studies

Miriam Börjesson Rivera , PhD student Planning & Decision Analysis

Project duration

ICIT runs from October 2012 to June 2015.


2015   Mattias Höjer and Josefin Wangel,  Smart sustainable cities - definition and challenges , ICT Innovations for Sustainability, pp. 333-349, Springer.

2015   Cecilia Katzeff and Josefin Wangel,  Social practices, households, and design in the smart grid , ICT Innovations for Sustainability, pp. 351-365, Springer.

2014   Elisabet Apelmo and Henriksson Greger,  Kan stadsbors användning av IT bidra till ett hållbart samhälle? - En kunskapsöversikt , Arbetsrapport från KTH Centre for Sustainable Communications ISSN: 1654-479X, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

2014   Ulf Ranhagen and Björn Frostell,  Kretsloppsmodell 2.0. för Norra Djurgårdsstaden - Förstudie - slutrapport , TRITA 2014-02 ISSN: 1653-6126, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

2014   Anna Kramers,  Smart Cities and Climate Targets - Reducing cities' energy use with ICT and travel information , TRITA - FMS - PHD; 2014:01, PhD Thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

2014   Anna Kramers, Mattias Höjer, Nina Lövehagen and Josefin Wangel,  Smart sustainable cities - Exploring ICT solutions for reduced energy use in cities , Environmental Modelling & Software, ISSN: 1364-8152, Vol. 56, pp. 52-62.

2014   Anna Kramers, Mattias Höjer and Josefin Wangel,  Planning for smart sustainable cities - Decisions in the planning process and actor networks , ACSR ISSN: 2352-538x; 2, pp. 299-305, 2nd International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICTS), Stockholm, SWEDEN, AUG 24-27, 2014, Atlantis Press.

2014   Åsa Nyblom and Elina Eriksson,  Time is of essence - Changing the horizon of travel planning , Proceedings of the 2014 conference ICT for Sustainability, ICT for Sustainability.

2014   Greger Henriksson and Miriam Börjesson Rivera,  Why do we buy and throw away electronics? , ISDRC 2014, ISDRC (20th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference), Trondheim juni 2014, Paper 6d7 in Electronically published full papers.

2013   Ebba Högström, Josefin Wangel and Greger Henriksson,  Performing Sustainability - Institutions, Inertia, and the Practices of Everyday Life , Sustainable Stockholm, pp. 147-167, Routledge.

2013   Anna Kramers, Josefin Wangel, Stefan Johansson, Mattias Höjer, Göran Finnveden and Nils Brandt,  Towards a comprehensive system of methodological considerations for cities' climate targets , Energy Policy, ISSN: 0301-4215, Vol. 62, pp. 1276-1287.

2013   Nina Lövehagen and Anna Bondesson,  Evaluating sustainability of using ICT solutions in smart cities - methodology requirements , ICT4S 2013, pp. 175-182, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainability.

2013   Anna Kramers, Mattias Höjer, Nina Lövehagen and Josefin Wangel,  ICT for Sustainable Cities - How ICT can support an environmentally sustainable development in cities , ICT4S 2013, pp. 183-189, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainability.

2013   Örjan Svane,  Energy Efficiency in Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm through ICT and smarter infrastructure - survey and potentials , ICT4S 2013, pp. 190-196, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainability.

2013   Anna Kramers,  ICT Applications to Lower Energy Usage in the Already Built Environment, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies ISSN: 2190-3018; 22, Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, pp. 127-135, 4th International Conference in Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SEB´12), Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.