Comparing CO2-emissions at a blink
A team from the Centre for Sustainable Communications participated in EcoMo09, a 24-hour competition in writing green code. The team contributed with an API for comparing CO2 emissions from different sources called

- It is the same principle as a currency converter, says Jorge Zapico. You can instantly compare apples with tomatoes or flights with car trips. Even less intuitive comparisons, for example between kilograms of beef and hours of laptop use can easily be made.
EcoMo09 took place in London September 11-12, 2009. Hackers from all over Europe proved their skills in developing prototype software tools that help people reduce their impact on the environment. The Centre team consisted of Jorge Zapico, PhD student at the Centre for Sustainable Communications, David Kjelkerud, who is finishing his thesis at the Centre, and Henrik Berggren, also with a background from KTH.
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