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Environmental impacts of a design magazine

Published Mar 22, 2013

Mohammad Ahmadi Achachlouei conducted a life cycle assessment of the Swedish interior design magazine Sköna Hem, in print and tablet version.

Previous studies on the environmental impacts of printed and electronic media have shown that it is not clear-cut which type is  environmentally preferable. Specific user practices are of importance for the results. Mohammad Ahmadi Achachlouei’s study complements earlier life cycle assessments by CESC that compared print and electronic media from an environmental perspective. His study includes the whole life cycle of a media product – even the aspect of content production. The case analyzed was the Swedish interior design magazine Sköna Hem , in print and tablet version.

The results of the study indicate that content production for tablets has significant environmental impacts, but even electronic distribution and the tablet itself are relevant factors. For the printed version, pulp/paper production and printing are the principal cause for most of the environmental impacts.

Mohammad Ahmadi Achachlouei’s study was presented at the ICT4S conference (14-16 February 2013 in Zürich). It is also part of his licentiate thesis presented Friday 22 March 2013 at KTH (Room B2, Brinellvägen 23, KTH campus, 13:00).

Read abstract and download thesis

Download the poster presented at the 18th SETAC LCA Case Study Symposium

For more information contact Mohammad Ahmadi Achachlouei:

Mohammad Ahmadi Achachlouei at the ICT4S conference in Zürich
Poster presented at the 18th SETAC LCA Case Study Symposium