New unique master's specialisation at KTH

Students at KTH will from the autumn of 2016 have the opportunity to immerse themselves in information technology and sustainability as part of their two-year long masters program. The School of Computer Science and Communications is responsible for a new and probably unique specialisation which will be held in English to attract students also from other parts of the world. The specialisation is called "Sustainable Information Society” and students can choose to study course on ICT and sustainability for a whole year.
- As far as we know, KTH will be the only school in the world that offers this kind of specialization in IT and sustainability. It is an important direction: there is great potential in the use of ICT to improve efficiency and cut carbon emissions in different sectors of society, says Daniel Pargman, KTH researcher and leader of the group that developed the proposal for the new orientation.
- The fact that KTH now further promotes sustainability research allows us to deepen our skills progress in this field. Furthermore, it gives us additional opportunities to partner with business, industry and public administrations in the form of graduate project and master’s theses, says Daniel Pargman.
During the spring, the School of Computer Science and Communication will announce a job position as Assistant Professor in Human-Computer Interaction with focus on sustainability.
- This is great news also for CESC; a concrete example of how its legacy will live on in the future, says Daniel Pargman.