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Summing up ICT4S 2014

Published Sep 04, 2014

The 2nd International Conference on ICT for Sustainability with the theme "ICT and transformational change" took place in Stockholm 24-27 August 2014. The conference was organized by CESC (as part of KTH Royal Institute of Technology) in cooperation with VU University Amsterdam.

Mattias Höjer (general chair), Patricia Lago and Josefin Wangel (program chairs) would like to thank all participants, contributors and the organizing team for a great conference!

ICT4S 2014 in brief

  • ICT4S 2014 hosted 150 participants (200 including workshops) from 34 countries of which 18 from non-European countries.
  • 49 out of 100 submitted full papers were accepted after a single-blind peer-review. The open access proceedings are available at Atlantis press. The posters of the conference are available on the ICT4S website.
  • The best paper award went to Elina Eriksson and Daniel Pargman from KTH Royal Institute of Technology for the paper “ICT4S Reaching Out: Making sustainability relevant in higher education”.
  • The best poster award went to Morten T Egholm from DTU – Technical University of Denmark for the poster "Energy Fingerprint".
  • The conference tried a new format for presenting scientific papers – ConverStations. The format - jointly developed by the general chair, program chairs and the conference facilitator - received overwhelmingly positive response.

The next ICT4S conference will be held 7-9 September 2015 in Copenhagen in conjunction with the EnviroInfo Conference.

For more information (proceedings, posters, photos, keynote presentations, etc) see the   ICT4S 2014 Conference website .

About ICT4S

ICT4S is a series of research conferences bringing together leading researchers, developers and government and industry representatives interested in using  Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a tool to reach sustainability goals. The first ICT4S Conference was held in Zürich 2013 and attracted 250 participants from 40 countries. ICT4S 2014 in Stockholm was the second conference in the series.