Kerry Hinton visited CESC
During his visit he held two open guest lectures.

April 27:th Case Studies in energy consumption of Internet services
KTH Dome of Visions
Abstract: This presentation provides an overview of recent work undertaken at the Centre for Energy Efficient Telecommunications (CEET) based at the University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. CEET has modelled the energy consumption of a range of popular Internet services including; Wireless access to cloud services, interactive cloud services, photo sharing via the cloud, cloud data storage and access technologies for Internet of Things. CEET has also investigated the re-bound effect of ubiquitous nationwide broadband. CEET was a significant contributor to the GreenTouch energy efficiency technology roadmap. The presentation will provide a brief summary of the outcomes of this work and a brief outlook of future energy consumption of Internet services.
Presentation: KTH CESC May 2016.pdf (pdf 2.0 MB)
April 29:th A survey of Internet Energy Efficiency Metrics
Wireless@kth/EIT Digital co-location centre, Electrum building in Kista
Abstract: Several metrics have been widely applied to quantify the “energy efficiency” of the Internet and ICT. Energy efficiency metrics are widely used to compare the energy efficiency of equipment and networks. Energy/bit has also been used to estimate network power consumption. To date, the definition and use of Internet energy efficiency metrics has been somewhat ad-hoc, without a careful analysis of their definition, application and how they relate. In this talk we analyse and compare these metrics when applied to telecommunication network equipment, networks and services. We show that different metrics can imply different, and possibly conflicting, strategies for improving energy efficiency. Some guidelines are suggested for the appropriate application of these metrics.
Presentation: KTH CESC May 2016 B.pdf (pdf 1.8 MB)
Kerry Hinton received a BE(Hons) in 1978 from the University of Adelaide and a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne in 1984. In 1984 he joined the Telstra Research Laboratories working on modelling of optical systems and components. In 2006, He joined the University of Melbourne, in the Centre for Ultra-Broadband Information Networks. In 2011 he joined the Centre for Energy Efficient Telecommunications (CEET) researching the energy efficiency of the Internet. He is now Director of the CEET.
Related papers:
Green Cloud Computing: Balancing Energy in Processing, Storage and Transport (pdf 1.4 MB)
Energy Challenges in Current and Future Optical Transmission Networks (pdf 1.4 MB)
Power Consumption and Energy Efficiency in the Internet (pdf 854 kB)
GreenTouch GreenMeter Core Network Power Consumption Models and Results (pdf 897 kB)
Energy Consumption Comparison of Nano and Centralized Data Centers (pdf 393 kB)
THE POWER OF WIRELESS CLOUD An analysis of the energy consumption of wireless cloud (pdf 673 kB)
Economic, Energy and Carbon Footprint Impact of Australia’s National Broadband Network (pdf 761 kB)
Energy Consumption Comparison of Interactive Cloud-Based and Local Applications (pdf 667 kB)
Energy Consumption of Photo Sharing in Online Social Networks (pdf 290 kB)
Fog Computing May Help to Save Energy in Cloud Computing (pdf 1.3 MB)
Energy Consumption Comparison of Interactive Cloud-Based and Local Applications (pdf 1.8 MB)
Energy Audit Models for Telecommunications Networks and Services (pdf 56 kB)