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Open Seminar on Sep 16:th: ICT use – assessing When & How it is Sustainable

Published Sep 01, 2016

KTH’s Centre for Sustainable Communications, CESC, invites you to a seminar looking into when and how Internet and Communication Technology (ICT) use is sustainable. Very welcome on Friday September 16:th between 9-11 a.m at beautiful Dome of Visions in KTH Campus, Valhallavägen 79, Stockholm.

We have the following agenda:

08:30 Coffee

09:00 Welcome by Mattias Höjer, Director at CESC

New data on Energy and carbon footprint of the ICT and Entertainment & Media sector in Sweden 1990-2015 and beyond
Jens Malmodin, Ericsson and Dag Lundén, Telia. The study can be found under “Malmodin” in author index , see also .

Modern ICT – when is its use sustainable? 
Invited speaker Roland Hischier, EMPA (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology) More information below.

From micro to macro level - Sustainability and indirect effects in the ICT-sector
Cecilia Håkansson, KTH

Please sign up in this link , so that there is coffee for everyone. 

Looking forward to seeing you there
the CESC team

More about Roland Hischier

Key note speaker: Roland Hischier

Roland Hischier is head of the 'Advancing Life Cycle Assessment' (ALCA) Group at Empa (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology). He has been involved in numerous LCA studies - focusing mainly on the modelling development; and dealing mainly with the sectors of packaging, bio-based materials and fuels, the ICT (information and communication technology) sector and since 2006, the area of nanotechnology.

Short keynote description:

LCA studies of modern ICT devices and their use show two opposing trends – while the per hour impact of the use of devices is getting smaller and smaller (doing from a desktop computer towards smartphones), the higher daily use pattern of such devices, connected to the rising data exchange via internet, results in a raising daily impact of ICT use. These raising impacts are – at least partly – replacing other forms of e.g. information provision (… newspapers, magazines, encyclopedia ...), shopping models (… driving to shopping centre), leisure activities, … Open remains in this context the question if all these societal changes finally will lead to a more sustainable society resp. within what boundary conditions / boarder lines the use of modern ICT should stay within for us to speak about a “sustainable use of ICT”.

In the presentation, various approaches for a determination of such an “absolute” sustainability will be examined concerning their suitability for the evaluation of the use of modern ICT devices. Identified limits and advantages of each of the examined approaches will be critically discussed, and the resulting conclusions from the various approaches will be compared in view of their accordance and/or complementarity.