ICT for Urban Sustainability (ICTUS)
ICTUS aims to establish an understanding and evaluate how smart sustainable city (SSC) initiatives in some selected cities in the world have been envisioned, initiated, planned, implemented and managed, and to develop recommendations for the governance of future SSC-initiatives. This way, the project is working directly with the overarching question of CESC, applied to cities.
The sub-project “The Handbook” (A) aims at providing new knowledge regardingbhow to plan for SSC, and to disseminate this knowledge to the most important actors. The resulting handbook should also be useful as a communication tool between those planning sustainable cities and those providing the solutions.
In the “collaborative sharing” sub-project (B), the aim is to research critical factors for initiating and sustaining sharing initiatives. In particular, the sub-project aims at exploring the role of the municipality as well as the role of ICT as a tool in sharing resources. The sub-project is particularly interested in sharing initiatives with a positive environmental impact.
The sub-project “Social” (C) aims at testing a method for social assessment of SSC that will be developed within the Methods IV
project. The planning for this sub-project intends to start spring 2016.
Project leader
Mattias Höjer
Elina Eriksson for sub project ”Collaborative”
Participating partners
City of Stockholm, Täby, Ericsson, TeliaSonera, TRF/SLL
Project duration
October 2015 to June 2017
2015-11 Bergvärmeblogg, Experterna förutspår, Mattias, www.bergvarme-pris.se/blogg/2015/11/experterna-foerutspaar-framtidens-energikaellor
2015-09-21 Mine Ercan at Ericsson gave a guest lecture “Ericsson Sustainability
– Technology for good” in the course DM2573 Sustainability and Media Technology
2015-11-20 Elina Eriksson and Daniel Pargman gave an invited speech “ICT and sustainability” at a Spotify student event Miljömålsberedningen, Mattias talk on Digitalisation and environmental objectives
Näringsdepartementet, Mattias och Åsa Moberg, workshop
Crosstalks, Mattias ”The future of cities” KTH-domen, KTH inför Paris, Mattias KTH-domen, Smart retro release
Smart cities live, October 20, Mattias and Ingmarie Ahlberg
Naturvårdsverket, Mattias Höjer (and Åsa Moberg) Digitalisering i miljöns tjänst,
Workshop organiser, 18 Nov
Malmö social forum, Mattias in panel on sharing, Nov 24
Host for 25 Shanghai-delegates