Previous projects
Find below a list of CESC-projects that were carried out during 2007 and 2012.
Data driven sustainability
How can open data contribute to sustainability? The project Data driven sustainability explores innovative information technologies for creating, sharing, remixing, and visualizing sustainability information.
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Drivers and barriers for mediated meetings
Under what circumstances do organizations use videoconferencing and other forms of mediated meetings? And why don’t they use it on a much bigger scale? The project explores the drivers and barriers for mediated meetings in business settings.
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ICT as the motor of transition
Exploring how the innovative application of ICT can contribute to more energy efficient transport habits and facilitate more sustainable ways of managing and using buildings with existing infrastructure.
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Media & Sustainability
Assessing the environmental impact from production, distribution and consumption of different media channels from a lifecycle perspective.
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Services in sparsely populated areas
Exploring how advanced ICT mediation technologies can be used to deliver societal services to distant, rural and sparsely populated areas.
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Sustainable social practices
Studying social practices involving ICT use where changed practices can affect the outcome in terms of sustainability, and the visions, i.e., goals, policies and concepts for sustainability within companies and organizations.
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Telecommunicators’ work in the sustainable city
Understanding the role of ICT in future sustainable cities.
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